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Weclapp - Getting started in Peliqan

Weclapp - Getting started in Peliqan

Weclapp is a Cloud based ERP system which allows teams to logically control all the day-to-day business processes on a single platform. Weclapp aims to provide complete and easy CRM and ERP solution to small & mid-size enterprises and helping them manage their customers, integrating projects, invoices, purchases, warehouses, orders and accounting through a unified dashboard. Its ease-of-use and features like Multi-tenancy makes it widely acceptable CRM tool. For more visit:

This article provides an overview to get started with the Weclapp connector in Peliqan. Please contact support if you have any additional questions or remarks.


Weclapp Data Pipeline

Connect Weclapp

Connect Weclapp through the Peliqan Connectivity module:


Connection fields

  • API Token: Login to Weclapp, click on your Profile in the top right corner, click “My Settings”, scroll down to the bottom, authenticate yourself in the “API token” section, Add a new API token and copy/paste it in Peliqan.
  • Tenant: see your WeClapp instance URL. Enter a full URL in the format https://<your_company>
  • Start Date (optional): date in format YYYY-MM-DD to start data sync from. By default it is 2010-01-01
  • Additional Properties (optional): additional properties to sync, e.g. calculated fields.Needs to be provided as a JSON object, where each key represents a table name, and the corresponding value is a comma-separated list of fields to be retrieved for the table. Click on Advanced to see list of available tables, to make sure you use the correct table name. Example for tables article and incomingGoods: { "article": "totalStockQuantity,currentSalesPrice", "incomingGoods": "discountPercentage,totalGoodsQuantity" }

Once filled, click on Save to start the data sync.

WeClapp data sync to a data warehouse

Peliqan offers an out of the box data warehouse. Optionally you can choose to sync WeClapp data to your own data warehouse such as Snowflake, Google BigQuery, MS SQL etc.

Data will be synced to the chosen data warehouse and made available through the Peliqan UI for exploration:


With the Peliqan federated query engine, queries on the Weclapp data can be written and data can be transformed and combined with other sources:


Writeback to Weclapp

With the Peliqan low-code Python scripts, you can implement “writebacks” to Weclapp, for examples writing new records into Weclapp or updating existing records.

Updating records in Weclapp

Below is an example to update an Article in Weclapp.

Note that we fetch the object first, update one or more properties and then send the updated object to Weclapp. This is needed because Weclapp has a lot of required fields, that have to be included when doing an Update, even if the values of those fields did not change.

weclapp_api = pq.connect('WeClapp')

# Fetch the existing object
object = weclapp_api.get('object', id = 123, resource_name = 'article')

# Update the object
object["name"] = "New article name"

# Write update to Weclapp
result = weclapp_api.update('object', object, resource_name = 'article')

Updating customAttributes (custom fields) in Weclapp

Here’s an example to update a custom field (customAttribute) of an Article in Weclapp:

# Required Connections
weclapp_api = pq.connect('WeClapp')

# Required inputs
attributeDefinitionId = "4299"
attribute_data_type = "numberValue" # can be stringValue, dateValue etc.
resource_name = "article"
object_id = "4302"
new_value = "93"

# Fetch the existing object
object = weclapp_api.get('object', id = object_id, resource_name = resource_name)

# Update the existing object, e.g. update a customAttribute value
if object:
    for customAttribute in object['customAttributes']:
        if customAttribute['attributeDefinitionId']== attributeDefinitionId:
            customAttribute[attribute_type] = new_value 
# Do the API call to Weclapp
result = weclapp_api.update('object', object, resource_name = resource_name)

Need further help

Please contact our support for any further assistance via