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SD Worx - Getting started in in Peliqan

SD Worx - Getting started in in Peliqan

SD Worx is a payroll company, this connector allows you to fetch employee absence data and related data from the SD Worx HR Selfservice Absences platform.

This article provides an overview to get started with the SD Worx connector in Peliqan. Please contact support if you have any additional questions or remarks.

After connecting, following tables will be available:

  • Absence codes
  • Employees

In order to fetch absence data, add a custom pipeline (low-code Python script) in Peliqan using the below code, and schedule this to run every night:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

sdworx_api = pq.connect('SD Worx')
dbconn = pq.dbconnect(pq.DW_NAME)

# Replace below from/end date with these in initial one-time run (get historic data)
# Period of 24 months; SD Worx rate limit: max. 1000 months per day --> 1000 / 24 months = max. 40 employees
#from_date = datetime(2024, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
#end_date = datetime(2026, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)

# Daily run
today =
from_date = (today - timedelta(days = 7))
end_date = (today + timedelta(days = 90))

while from_date < end_date:
    st.text(f"Fetching data from %s " % from_date.isoformat())
    # Max period is 31 days, otherwise employeenumber and employernumber are required
    until_date = from_date + relativedelta(months=1)
    absence_request = {
        'fromdate': from_date.isoformat(),
        'untildate': until_date.isoformat()
    absences = sdworx_api.get('absence_all_employees', absence_request)
    if absences:
        if type(absences) is list:
            st.text(f"Writing %s absences to the DWH" % len(absences))
            result = dbconn.write('sd worx', 'absences', records = absences, pk='Id')
        else: # Show error response from API, e.g. rate limit (see above)
    from_date = until_date