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Multi-customer management

If you are a SaaS company or a consultancy company and you use Peliqan to manage end-customer projects, you can use the “multi-customer” or “multi-tenant” features in Peliqan to manage your end-customers.

Make sure to create a new account (tenant) in Peliqan for each end-customer. This is important for data isolation requirements.

Service models

Peliqan supports 2 service models, depending on your business model:

Full service model
Self-service model
Each end-customer is different, e.g. your Customer Success team performs custom data onboarding services.
Customers activate one or more data syncs (or other) in a self-service manner, inside your SaaS platform or portal.
Low volume
High volume
No embedding or limited read-only embedding.
Deep interactive embedding.
Creation of new end-customer accounts
Manual by your customer success team.
Automated via embedded frame or via Peliqan’s REST API.

Managing end-customers

Your Master account (also called “Partner account”) allows you to manage your templates and your end-customer accounts. Go to Admin > Customers to manage your end-customer accounts.

Make sure that end-customer accounts are created under your own Peliqan subdomain, e.g. if your company is called ACME.

This will ensure that end-customer accounts are linked and appear in your Partner account.

Invite end-customer to add a connection

For end-customers where your Customer Success Team takes care of setting up e.g. a data sync or performing a data import (full-service model), you will need to get access to one or more sources of your end-customer. For example you might need access to their CRM to import the data into your system.

Go into the end-customer account. Go to Connections, and add a connection, e.g. Hubspot (CRM). Click on the “Invite” button. This will send an email to your end-customer, asking them to provide credentials or authorize access (for an oAuth flow). Once the end-customer has done this, you will receive a confirmation email that this has been done.

See Invite button in the bottom left corner when adding a connection:


Note that the end-customer does not require a login to Peliqan. They will receive a unique link in the email that they can click. This will open a webpage where they can enter their credentials (e.g. an API key) securely or it will start an oAuth flow where they login and authorize access.