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Google Sheets - Getting started in Peliqan

Google Sheets - Getting started in Peliqan

This article provides an overview to get started with the Google Sheets connector in Peliqan. Please contact support if you have any additional questions or remarks.



In peliqan, go to Connections, click on Add new. Find Google Sheets in the list and select it. Click on the Connect button. This will open Google Sheets and allow you to authorize access for Peliqan. Copy the id of the Google Sheet file from the URL and paste it in the connect form.

Once the authorization is done, you will return to Peliqan.


Explore & Combine

Wait a few minutes for the data to start syncing. Now you can view your Google Sheets data in tables in Peliqan’s built-in data warehouse (or in your own DWH if you connected e.g. SQL Server, Snowflake, Redshift or BigQuery).

Select “Explore” in the left navigation pane, expand “Data warehouse” in the left tree and click on Google Sheets. All tables from Google Sheets will now be shown.


You can explore the data in the gridview, and you can write SQL queries to transform the data and to combine the data from Google Sheets with data from other sources.


Here are example low-code Python scripts in Peliqan to work with Google Sheets.

Write data: update rows

Write a range of values, starting on an existing row & column. Keep in mind that this will overwrite existing cell values, it will not insert new rows.

Sheets = pq.connect("Google Sheets Writeback")

data = [
  ["abc", "def"],
  [123, 456]

result = google_sheets.update("rows", 
	spreadsheet_id = "1dKg7m8AIq0-mtkKcGmbpZv2UC3i9RqZVzZ7fs4pDA2s", 
	sheet = "Sheet1", 
	row = 2,             # start row
	column = "A",        # start column
	values = data)


Write data to a sheet: add rows

Append rows at the end of sheet (this will append after the last row that is not empty):

Sheets = pq.connect("Google Sheets Writeback")

data = [
  ["abc", "def"],
  [123, 456]

result = google_sheets.add("rows", 
	spreadsheet_id = "1dKg7m8AIq0-mtkKcGmbpZv2UC3i9RqZVzZ7fs4pDA2s", 
	sheet = "Sheet1",
	values = data)


Insert empty rows

The above function “Update rows” will overwrite existing cell values. You can insert empty rows first. The following example will insert 6 empty rows, starting at row 4:

Sheets = pq.connect("Google Sheets Writeback")

result = Sheets.add('empty_rows', 
	spreadsheet_id = "1dKg7m8AIq0-mtkKcGmbpZv2UC3i9RqZVzZ7fs4pDA2s", 
	sheet_id = 0,
	start_row = 4, 
	end_row = 10)

# Note: sheet_id of the first default sheet (Sheet1) is always 0.
# If you want to write into another sheet, get the sheet_id first.
# Example to get the sheet_id of the second sheet:

spreadsheet_details = Sheets.get('spreadsheet', spreadsheet_id = spreadsheet_id)
sheet_id = spreadsheet_details["sheets"][1]["properties"]["sheetId"]

See below for a comprehensive example that inserts empty rows first and then writes cell values.

Write data from a table into a sheet

New rows will be automatically added if needed, existing rows will be overwritten.

The start row (row = 4 in the below example) must exist !

# connect to your Peliqan data warehouse
dw = pq.dbconnect(pq.DW_NAME)

# fetch a table as data frame (DF)
# replace missing values with an empty string
df = dw.fetch(pq.DW_NAME, "invoices", df=True, fillna_with='')

# convert DF to a list, needed for Google Sheets
rows = df.values.tolist()

Sheets = pq.connect("Google Sheets Writeback")

	spreadsheet_id = "1dKg7m8AIq0-mtkKcGmbpZv2UC3i9RqZVzZ7fs4pDA2s", 
	sheet = "Sheet1",
	row = 4, 
	column = "A", 
	values = rows)

Write data from a table into a sheet, with a header row

dw = pq.dbconnect(pq.DW_NAME)
df = dw.fetch(pq.DW_NAME, "invoices", df=True)
rows = df.values.tolist()

column_names = df.columns.tolist()
rows_with_header = [column_names] + rows

Sheets = pq.connect("Google Sheets Writeback")

	spreadsheet_id = "1dKg7m8AIq0-mtkKcGmbpZv2UC3i9RqZVzZ7fs4pDA2s", 
	sheet = "Sheet1",
	row = 4, 
	column = "A", 
	values = rows_with_header)

Write data from a table into a sheet (no data frame)

dw = pq.dbconnect(pq.DW_NAME)
data = dw.fetch(pq.DW_NAME, "invoices", df=False)
rows = [list(d.values()) for d in data]

Sheets = pq.connect("Google Sheets Writeback")

	spreadsheet_id = "1dKg7m8AIq0-mtkKcGmbpZv2UC3i9RqZVzZ7fs4pDA2s", 
	sheet = "Sheet1",
	row = 4, 
	column = "A", 
	values = rows)

In the above code snippet, data is a list of objects, and the rows are a list of lists. Example:

data = [
  {"name": "John", "city": "NY"},
  {"name": "Anne", "city": "Paris"}

rows = [
  ["John", "NY"],
  ["Anne", "Paris"]

Update one cell

Sheets = pq.connect("Google Sheets Writeback")

# Update one cell
   spreadsheet_id = "...",
   sheet = "sheet1", 
   row = 15, 
   column = "B", 
   value = "Added from Peliqan" )

Clear cells

Clear an entire sheet:

Sheets = pq.connect("Google Sheets Writeback")

result = Sheets.delete('sheet_values',
   spreadsheet_id = "...",
   sheet = "Sheet1")

Clear a range of cells in a sheet:

Sheets = pq.connect("Google Sheets Writeback")

result = Sheets.delete('sheet_range_values',
   spreadsheet_id = "...",
   sheet = "Sheet1",
   range = "A1:Z20000") #the range can be larger than the existing sheet
Clearing a sheet before writing data is a good practice to make sure no “old” data remains on the sheet, e.g. when the new data has less rows then what was previously written to the same sheet.

Read the values of a sheet

Read the full contents (values) of one sheet:

Sheets = pq.connect('Google Sheets Writeback')
result = Sheets.get('sheet_values', spreadsheet_id = "...", sheet = "Sheet1")
rows = result['values']

Example result for rows (list of lists):

  ["Name", "City" ...],
  ["John", "NY"   ...],
  ["Anne", "DC"   ...]

Example script to convert the rows to a list of dicts (objects), assuming the first row in the Google Sheet is a header row:

headers = rows.pop(0)
rowsObj = []
for row in rows:
    rowObj = {}
    for i, cell in enumerate(row):
        rowObj[headers[i]] = cell

Example result for rowsObj (list of objects):

  {"Name": "John", "City": "NY"},
  {"Name": "Anne", "City": "DC"}

Write data in batch

When the amount of rows is too high (e.g. 100K rows) to write in one statement, you can append rows in batch:

Sheets = pq.connect("Google Sheets Writeback")

dbconn = pq.dbconnect(pq.DW_NAME) 
df = dbconn.fetch('db_name', 'schema_name', 'table_name', df=True)

rows = df.values.tolist() 

def batch(rows):
    batch_size = 1000
    for i in range(0, len(rows), batch_size):
        yield rows[i:i + batch_size]

for batch in batch(rows):
        spreadsheet_id = "...", 
        sheet = "Sheet1",
        values = batch)

Create a new Google Sheet file (spreadsheet)

Sheets = pq.connect("Google Sheets Writeback")

result = Sheets.add("spreadsheet", name = "My new spreadsheet")
new_file_id = result["detail"]["spreadsheetId"]

Get details of a spreadsheet

Use this to e.g. get a list of sheets and find the sheet id of a specific sheet:

Sheets = pq.connect('Google Sheets Writeback')
result = Sheets.get('spreadsheet', spreadsheet_id = "...")

Tips & Trick

Convert a column number into the Google sheet column name (e.g. column 27 is AA):

def int_to_col_name(n):
    col_str = ""
    while n > 0:
        n, remainder = divmod(n - 1, 26)
        col_str = chr(65 + remainder) + col_str
    return col_str

Build reports in Google Sheets

See the section “Write to Google Sheets” under Reporting:

Write to Google Sheets