Below is a list of modules that are available for import in Peliqan in your Python scripts.
If you need access to another module, please contact Peliqan Support.
Latest update of the below list: 7 November 2024.
- boto3
- extra-streamlit-components
- flask
- folium
- great_expectations
- imgkit
- jsonpath-rw
- marshmallow
- nltk
- openpyxl
- paho-mqtt
- pandas
- peliqan: automatically imported in every script as
- pdfkit
- psycopg2
- pymongo[srv]
- pypika
- pysftp
- pyyaml
- requests
- scikit-learn
- sdv
- sqlalchemy
- sqlanydb
- streamlit: automatically imported in every script as
- streamlit modules:
- streamlit-aggrid
- streamlit-extras
- streamlit-folium
- streamlit_option_menu
- streamlit_shadcn_ui
- superagent-py
- tabulate
- waitress
- xmltodict
- zeep (SOAP client)