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FileMaker - Getting started in Peliqan

FileMaker - Getting started in Peliqan

FileMaker is a cross-platform relational database application developed by Claris. It integrates a database engine with a graphical user interface (GUI) and security features, allowing users to visually modify a database. Versions for desktops, servers, iOS, and web-delivery have been released.

This article describes how to connect your FileMaker database to Peliqan, in order to sync data into the Peliqan data warehouse and use it in your favorite BI tool (Power BI, Metabase etc.).

While Peliqan has 250+ self-service connectors, Filemaker is currently not (yet) a standard self-service connector. Instead the Peliqan support team can set up a custom pipeline for you free of charge. Alternatively you can implement your own custom pipeline using a low-code script in Peliqan. Please note that these scripts are not available in the free trial, you will have to purchase a Peliqan license first.

Peliqan uses the Claris Filemaker Data API to get data out of Filemaker:

This needs to be enabled on your Filemaker instance first.

Request Peliqan support to set up your Filemaker pipeline

In order to set up your Filemaker connection, Peliqan need following details:

  • Hostname (Base URL of the REST API from your Filemaker Data API)
  • Username
  • Password
  • Database name in Filemaker
  • List of "layouts" in Filemaker to get the data from

You can provide all details by sending an email to The password can be securely shared by using and sending the sharing link in a separate email to

Building your own custom pipeline for Filemaker in Peliqan

Here’s an example script that you can schedule in Peliqan to sync data from a “layout” in Filemaker to the Peliqan data warehouse:

import requests, base64, xmltodict, json

username = "xxxx"
pw = "xxxx"
host = ""
db_name = "mydb"
layout_name = "mylayout"

credentials = f'{username}:{pw}'
encoded_credentials = base64.b64encode(credentials.encode()).decode()

def sanitize_id(project_id):
    sanitized_id = str(project_id).replace("/", "").strip()
    if sanitized_id.isdigit():
        return int(sanitized_id)
    elif sanitized_id:
        return sanitized_id
        return None

def sanitize_data(data):
    """Remove or replace problematic characters in the data."""
    if isinstance(data, str):
        # Remove null bytes
        data = data.replace('\x00', '')
        # Ensure the string is properly encoded in UTF-8
        data = data.encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode('utf-8')
    return data

url = f"https://{host}/fmi/data/vLatest/databases/{db_name}/layouts/{layout_name}/records?_limit=500&_offset=0"
cleandata = []

# Make the GET request
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

if response.status_code == 200:

    data = response.json()
    records = data.get('response', {}).get('data', [])
    for record in records:
        field_data = record.get('fieldData', {})
        field_data = {key: sanitize_data(value) for key, value in field_data.items()}        
        record_id = field_data.get('id', None)        # Ensure 'id' is present in the field_data
        if record_id is not None:
            sanitized_id = sanitize_id(record_id)
            if sanitized_id is not None:
                invoiceline = {
                    'Id': record_id,
                    'Created by': field_data.get('creation_user'),
                    'Created on': field_data.get('creation_date'),
                    # all fields mapped here...
		result = dbconn.write('filemaker', 'some_table', cleandata, pk="Id")

Filemaker Data API

The above script uses the Filemaker Data API (REST API). More info on the API:

Getting metadata (list of databases etc.):

List records:

URL format to get a list of records from a Layout:
