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Feature list, Roadmap and Architecture

Feature list, Roadmap and Architecture

Feature list

General release
Federated query engine
Realtime & federated queries
Q2 2022
Spreadsheet UI
“Spreadsheet” interface to work with data: view, sort, filter etc.
Q2 2022
Database & data warehouse connectors
Connectivity to relational and non-relational databases and data warehouses.
Q2 2022
SaaS connectors
Connectivity to a wide range of business applications (using API connections)
Q2 2022
Schema discovery
Automatic schema discovery for each source
Q2 2022
Edit data as virtual copy
Read-only access to source, personal editable copy that remains up to date with the source
Q3 2022
Query editor SQL on anything
Write custom SQL queries, combine data from multiple sources (joins), share the result as new tables
Q3 2022
Fuzzy joins
Combine data from different sources based on Fuzzy matching, in case there is no common “key” between the different systems.
Q4 2022
Add calculated columns with rich formulas (similar to Excel)
Q4 2022
Build data apps (low-code)
Build data apps using low-code Python scripting: * Interactive dashboards * Writebacks (reverse ETL) * Machine learning (predictions, outliers etc.) * Data monitoring with Slack alerts * Etc.
Q4 2022
Create charts (e.g. pie, bar, line) from a table
Q4 2022
Built-in data warehouse
Set up ETL flows, materialize tables and make them available for access by external BI-tools
Q1 2023
Bring your own data warehouse
Connect your existing data warehouse (Snowflake, BigQuery, Azure Synapse etc.) and combine with Peliqan’s built-in data warehouse
Q1 2023
Writeback (reverse ETL)
Write back data updates using low-code Python scripts (implement reverse ETL flows).
Q1 2023
Connector builder
Build your own ETL and writeback connectors or rely on Peliqan connector services to build them our for you.
Q1 2023
On-prem connectivity
Connect to your on premise data sources using a secure VPN tunnel.
Q1 2023
Show provenance of data
Q2 2023
Publish data APIs
Share data products (built in Peliqan) with other teams as consumable APIs
Q3 2023
Data masking (PII)
Obfuscate sensitive data using transformations in SQL queries.
Q4 2023
Import data from files
Import CSV, JSON, Excel, Google Sheet
Q4 2023
Market place
One click install of Metabase, Airflow, Apache SuperSet, SuperAgent (build private LLMs), Qdrant vector database etc.
Q4 2023
Incoming webhook events
Capture incoming webhooks events
Q4 2023


This roadmap is non-binding and will be updated based on customer feedback and strategic choices.

General release
Relational model discovery
Detect relational models (ERDs, PKs, FKs) from DB sources and SaaS sources
Q3 2024
Improvements to Peliqan’s permission model
Q3 2024
Custom connector builder
Bespoke UI to build custom connectors
Q4 2024
Visual Transformations
Visually apply transformations on data (cleaning, dedupe, normalize etc.) Note: can already be done with SQL
Q4 2024
Data Catalog improvements
Pull in data models and metadata from catalogs and/or edit in Peliqan directly
Q4 2024


Peliqan’s all-in-one data platform architecture consists of multiple layers, deployed as micro-services in a cloud-agnostic Kubernetes environment:


The UI layer converts all data access to SQL queries that are executed in real-time using Peliqan’s federated query engine (Trino) or as direct queries on the DB or DW.