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Mapping charts of accounts from different countries (accounting)

When you have accounting data such as bookings, one challenge is to map those bookings to your specific Charts of Accounts. This is a typical example of unifying your data, especially when you connect to more than one accounting software instance.

Step 1: import your mapping

You can use for example the Google Sheet connector to link to a Google Sheet file in which you have a mapping of Accounts.

Example table “mappings”:

Exceptional costs
Revenue from point of sale A

The “source” account code is the account code used in your accounting software, the “destination” account code is the one that you want to see in your reports.

Step 2: join your data

Next, you can use the Peliqan JOIN wizard, or you can write your own JOIN query, to merge the accounting transactions with your mapping file.

Example query:

   mappings.account_code_destination as my_account_code,
   mappings.description as my_account_code_description
FROM transactions LEFT JOIN mappings ON
transactions.code = mapings.account_code_source
Make sure to perform a LEFT join and not an INNER JOIN, to make sure that no transactions would be left out because of a missing matching record in the mapping table.

Save the above query as a new table. From now on, reference this table to build up accounting reports.