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CreditSafe - Getting started in Peliqan

CreditSafe - Getting started in Peliqan

Creditsafe is a global company that provides credit reports and financial information of businesses. It is a leading provider of business credit checking and risk intelligence. The products include Business credit reports, Risk Tracker monitoring, Creditsafe ratings, Credit approval systems, Creditsafe 3D portfolio management tool, business marketing data, data cleaning services, European marketing data, and trade payment data. Website :

This article provides an overview to get started with the CreditSafe connector in Peliqan. Please contact support if you have any additional questions or remarks.


CreditSafe Data Pipeline


Connect CreditSafe through the Peliqan Connectivity module:


Configuration options:

  • Username for CreditSafe Account
  • Password
  • (Optional) table selection via ‘Advanced’

Once filled, click Save. For now, Peliqan only provides Writeback endpoints accessed through data-app connectivity.

Data Activation

Fetching Companies using VAT Number

get_companies function in CreditSafe allows to fetch company(s) using VAT Number. If Vat No. is BE 0784.446.918 , then country value passed would be BE and Vat No. is passed removing all ‘.’ (dots) i.e. 0784446918


Fetching People/Directors using Company ID

get_peoples function allows to fetch all director(s) of a company by using company_id and country.


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