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Hubspot - Getting started in Peliqan

Hubspot - Getting started in Peliqan

HubSpot is a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform that provides tools for marketing, sales, and customer service to help businesses grow and manage their relationships with customers effectively. Known for its user-friendly interface and robust features, HubSpot offers solutions such as email marketing, social media management, and analytics to streamline business operations and enhance customer engagement.

This article provides an overview to get started with the Hubspot connector in Peliqan. Please contact support if you have any additional questions or remarks.



In this guide, we will show you how to connect HubSpot to Peliqan to get you started.

  1. Log into Peliqan. If you do not have an account, you can start a free trial now.
  2. Navigate to ‘Add Connection’ in the Peliqan Dashboard.
  1. Choose ‘Add New’ in the Connection page and select ‘HubSpot’.
  1. Select ‘Connect HubSpot’ to kick off the Oauth connection flow. You can provide a specific name and assign a group of choice for this connector.
  1. Follow the OAuth flow to connect HubSpot.
  1. Once connected you should see the ‘HubSpot’ connection in your Connection page.

Peliqan will replicate your data into the built-in Peliqan data warehouse or a data warehouse of your choice (Snowflake, BigQuery etc.) on an hourly schedule. You can also manually refresh the data. More information can be found on the Peliqan documentation section ‘connect to data’.

Explore and Combine

Once you’ve connected your HubSpot account, your data will be synced automatically to Peliqan. Peliqan will create one table per supported object type and they will appear as tables in the ‘Explore’ tab.

Go to the ‘Explore’ tab and select the ‘HubSpot’ database to find your data.


Currently supported objects:

  • Contacts
  • Companies
  • Deals
  • Contact_lists

In the ‘Explore’ tab of the Peliqan platform you can:

  • Explore your HubSpot data easily in a grid view. See “Working with data in the grid view” of the Peliqan documentation section to understand all possibilities.
  • Enrich and join your HubSpot data through out-of-the-box formula’s and SQL or Python powered scrips. See the “Joining data” section of the Peliqan documentation to understand all possibilities.

Example use cases for HubSpot:

  • Clean your data e.g. standardise country code or telephone numbers.
  • Build a Customer360 view by combining HubSpot data with other CRM, Marketing, ERP or any other System.
  • Enrich your HubSpot contacts or companies with Machine Learning models for e.g. churn predication


In the ‘Build’ tab of the Peliqan platform you can write your own Python Scripts to activate your data.

Example use cases for HubSpot:

  • Export the enriched contact or company data back to HubSpot or any other platform.
  • Alert your Sales team if anomalies are found in your CRM data.
  • Feed your support team with combined Customer360 information when they work on a support case.

Manage and disconnect your connection to HubSpot

In the ‘Connection’ Tab you can manage and delete your connections. You full credentials and all linked HubsSpot data will be removed from Peliqan.


Need further help

Please contact our support for any further assistance via