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CareerPro - Getting started in Peliqan

CareerPro - Getting started in Peliqan

The Federal Learning Account (FLA) is the online service from the social security services of the Belgian government, that allows employers to manage the individual and sectoral training rights of their employees. Employers register trainings and training rights and can keep track of which training the employees have followed and to which they are still entitled. It is part of More info:

This article provides an overview to get started with the CareerPro FLA (Federal Learning Account) connector in Peliqan. Please contact support if you have any additional questions or remarks.



You need to enable access in Chaman (Channel Management from

  • Go to
  • Select “Enterprise”, login using Itsme, select your company as employer.
  • Under “Webservice account”, click on “Add Webservice account”.
  • Select “REST” (not SOAP).
  • Enter an Account name (e.g. your company name).
  • Check the box for “CareerPro - Federal Learning Account - Aangifte”.
  • Upload the certificate file from Peliqan:
  • certificate.crt1.3KB
  • Enter a name for the certificate, e.g. Peliqan.

Click Confirm.

You will now see the details of the newly added “Channel”:


Copy the Client ID.

Provide the Client ID to your account manager, or add a connection in Peliqan for CareerPro FLA and paste the Client ID directly into Peliqan (Add Connection).

Once the connection is added in Peliqan, the data from CareerPro FLA can be synced to tables in the data warehouse. You will need the company ID (KBO = VAT number), and a list of employee IDs (rijksregister numbers).

For each employee following data is available:

  • Trainings
  • Training Rights
  • Training Credits

Need further help

Please contact our support for any further assistance via