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Airtable - Getting Started in Peliqan

Airtable - Getting Started in Peliqan

Airtable is a cloud-based platform designed for creating and sharing relational databases. Its user-friendly interface enables anyone to easily set up a database. With Airtable, you can store, organize, and collaborate on information for any purpose. It put togethers conventional spreadsheet with the robust features of a database with no coding required. Airtable is a multi-purpose tool which can be used for Content Management, manage CRMs and Tracking projects.

This article provides you an overview to get started with the Airtable connector in Peliqan. Please contact support if you have any additional questions or remarks.



  1. Bases : database to store all the information needed for the project. It can be blank or template based where templates(with data) are pre-generated by Airtable. Number of Bases can be created
  2. Tables : A table holds information about one type of item(entity) like products, projects, tasks, campaigns. Each base needs to have atleast one table. A new table can be added or imported from an existing table in another databases.
  3. Fields : It is a column in the table which brings consistency to the data and defines details of data present in a table. Field can contain a variety of data and can be casted into other by editing the field.
  4. Records : unique row in a table. records can be made connected among each other from different tables through link .
  5. Views : A view is a particular way to look at and organise the underlying data in a table. A single table can have mutliple views like form, calendar, gallery, Kanban, etc but default being Grid. Users can create their own custom view which might have its won requirement.

Generate API Token

  1. Create an account on Airtable on If account already exist perform Sign-In.
  2. Once Logged in, navigate to profile at top-right and then to Developer Hub.
  3. image
  4. Choose "Personal Access Tokens" from left pane under Developers, and then select the "Create Access token" button on the right of the page.
  5. Provide a unique name and add data.records:read, data.records:write, schema.bases:read, schema.bases:write and as Scopes.
  6. For Access to WorkSpaces and Bases, choose All Workspaces Option.
  7. image
  8. Click on “Create Token” button to create an API Access Token

Get Base ID

  1. Login To
  2. Once Logged in create a Base using “Create” button under a WorkSpace.
  3. Once created, get into the base and the BaseID is visible in the URL just after the base URL i.e.
  4. image

Get Table ID

  1. Once you create a table and open it, table_id is available just after base_id in the URL.
  2. image

Get View ID

View ID appears just after the Table ID in the URL once the view is opened.

Airtable Data Pipelines

Peliqan connects to Airtable performing Basic Authentication using API Access Token. We directly connect to a table to get the records out of the table.

Connect form requires API Access Token, Base_ID, Table_ID to connect to and View_ID( optional). View_ID is only required when you need to connect to a particular View.


Once saved, the Data discovery and syncing to DataWarehouse Starts. After syncing completes, all the data tables becomes visible under the Airtable Schema.


“Bases” and “Tables” contains metadata of Bases accessible through the API Access Token and all the Tables under them

Data from the table whose table ID was entered in the connect form appears in “Records” table.


Airtable Data Activation

Peliqan provides lot of data activation function which enables users to have different view on data and allows to perform CRUD operations on records.

These methods work when connection to Airtable has already been created.

Getting Base Schema

“Get Base Schema” method provides the schema of the tables in the specified base. It takes Base_ID as input.


Creating a Table

“Add Table” method allows to create a new table under the base. It takes base_id, table name, fields data and description of table as input.


Reference to “Field types” (airtable help):

Creating field in a table

“Add Field” table lets users to create a new field to the table. It requires base_id, table_id and field details as input.


Get all records.

“Get Records” method allows users to get all the records from a table. It takes base_id and table_id as input.


FindOne Record

Method “findone_Record” finds a record based on any field of the table in Airtable. It takes the table_id, base_id, “field_name” as searchfield and “unique data value” as searchterm. Please make sure the field chosen must contain unique values.


Upsert Records

Upsert functionality in Peliqan Updates or Adds the records based on the searchfield and searchterm(value) passed.

Adds a Record


Updates a Record


Need further help

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